Technical Services

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1466037365423{padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}” el_class=”clean_links”][vc_column_text]Medical Services Pacific (MSP) is a registered Fijian NGO (#877) established to enable Pacific women and adolescents to have greater access to quality health care services and to build resilience in vulnerable groups to cope with emerging environmental, economic and human security challenges. MSP staff and advisors are experienced in improving outcomes for women and work towards gender quality in all areas and have over a decade of experience at regional level supporting communities and government stakeholders, working in both rural and urban contexts. MSP Technical Services is a non profit entity in which all proceeds and profits return to the charity program of MSP.  MSP Technical Services was established to enable our experienced staff to share their knowledge and skills across the region and to extend their professional experiences. MSP TS undertakes consultancies in the areas of:

  •  Project Management, Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, Health, Sanitation,  Environment,  Disaster Response, Human Rights, Gender, Youth,  Peace Building, Development, Training/ Capacity Building and  Research.

MSP Technical Services has an extensive  network  of independent international consultants  and maintains an active roster of specialists available for technical assignments.

Regionally Active: MSP will continue to develop  formal partnerships in the Asia and Pacific region,  building on existing and past project partnerships and creating new alliances to improve development outcomes.  MSP collaborates with the Fiji National University, School of Medicine and Department of Oral Health and the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Australia.  MSP teams have regional experience, having delivered projects funded by  SPC (ADB , Global Fund), United Nations, EU, AusAID/DFAT, the UN, Oxfam International and the Government of Fiji.

MSP seeks  to develop partnerships with key NGOs and other agencies working in relief and development sectors including: health, youth, gender,  climate change, development, peace building, disaster relief and prepardeness sectors in the Asia Pacific.

Formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs)

MSP has formal agreements with key stakeholders and works in partnership and in coordination with the following:

  • Ministry of Health Fiji
  • Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation
  • Key United Nations Agencies
  • The Fiji Police Force
  • The Salvation Army
  • Aspire Youth Network
  • Empower Pacific
  • Homes of Hope
  • Sea Mercy USA

MSP has formal  contracts with the Government of Fiji, the Australian Government (DFAT), the European Union, the British High Commission, UN Womnen and the United Nations Trust Fund.

MSP – A Social Enterprise and Social Marketing Model

Evidence shows that  funds spent on preventative health care, particularly in the reproductive health sector saves government expenditure on maternity and emergency obstetrics care.  MSP has a corporate membership system designed to leverage and encourage community groups and businesses to invest in the health sector. As contributions to preventative health care, produce long term benefits for the whole community. 

MSP teams are skilled in delivering regional marketing programs such as Condom Social Marketing initiatives. In Fiji, the  MSP national health  program encompasses both urban (including corporate awareness and public education) and rural outreach services. MSP Teams visit schools and universities as well as companies/businesses and factories and undertake awareness raising activities at key public events. Opportunities for corporate sponsorship are flexible and tailored for each entity.

In Fiji, MSP has provided corporate health care services to the following companies including,  SCA, Pacific Marine and Phoeonix Logistics (security personnel).

In the Health Sector, MSP will  seek to develop corporate agreements for the provision of medical services and the  distribution of pharmaceutical products in Fiji and across the Pacific to support universal access to contraceptives and new health technologies and products..

Corporate & Public Sponsors

The Fiji program is sponsored by SCA –Libra, Colgate Palmolive Ltd. Jokhans Realtors and Aquasafe.  MSP is also supported by the Rotary Club of Suva Peninsula Sunset, the Rotaract Club of Suva  and the Corona Club in Fiji.

Partnerships and Processes

MSP has a ‘People First’ approach that values and embraces the collaborative nature of traditional communities and values people as part of the solution. Women and youth are supported in programs as potential agents for change and development, at the family, community and governance levels.  MSP teams are often invited to present to Christian groups and are specialized in working  in conservative and traditional indigenous communities. MSP staff are able to modify and tailor education programs and IEC’s  to suit target groups. In addition, MSP has a key role to play to prepare and empower communities to both manage and address issues of climate change as they relate to health and population growth.

MSP works in partnership with community groups, governments, institutions and local and regional companies and donors to meet the following Millennium Development goals.

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