Contraception 3

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Contraception – part 3

How NOT to get Pregnant

The Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)

What is it?
The Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP) is also known as ‘the morning after pill’. It is another contraceptive that can prevent pregnancy. You can be prescribed this from your doctor at your nearest health centre or for free from Medical Services Pacific. You can also get these over the counter at pharmacies; however, you may need an adult with you to negotiate its purchase.

How does it work?
ECPs contain hormones that delay ovulation to prevent fertilisation. If the egg has already been fertilised, it will not prevent the pregnancy; therefore it is important to take the ECP before fertilisation can occur – that is, within 72 hours of the instance of unprotected sex.

ECP should not be used as a regular form of contraception because the extra hormones in the pills can make you feel sick.

Your doctor or the team at Medical Services Pacific can also answer any questions you might have on contraception. Call 1325.

Although all methods of contraception work to prevent pregnancy, only condoms can prevent STIs and HIV! If you are unsure of your partner’s sexual history. Always use a condom 

contraception pic< Contraception 2

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