
[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1466037365423{padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}” el_class=”clean_links”][vc_column_text]Primary CareThe MSP health  program seeks to provide a comprehensive range of health and social services to strengthen sexual and reproductive health services and rights and ensure all have access to information, services and products. MSP believes in universal access to family planning products and information for all.

In Fiji, MSP uses a dual program approach which combines a static clinic in Suva (a one shop stop model) with mobile outreach service.  The clinic provides specialized post rape care services. MSP has an expanding service sector and provides the following health services: general medical examinations, pre and post natal exams, maternal/child health, reproductive health, family planning, STI/HIV testing, cancer screening,  post rape care, safe abortion counselling, family planning counselling, nutrition awareness, VAWG counselling, information on health and human rights/gender and referrals to supporting partners.

MSP was established under  formal arrangements with both government and non government service partners to strengthen and facilitate quality service provision to clients impacted by sexual assault and gender violence in the Pacific. MSP seeks to respond to the needs of both urban and rural women and adolescents for information and reproductive health services; promoting awareness of reproductive tract infections, STI’s, HIV and AIDs, cancers of the reproductive system; and family planning so everyone can make healthy life choices.

Mums and Bubs

  MSP also supports safe motherhood and provides maternal and child health care services on demand. MSP      endorsed and was part of the working group to draft the Pacific Call to Action on Sexual Reproductive Health “the Pacific Kaci” in October 2012.

MSP teams also work with high risk and vulnerable groups (e.g. youth, MSM, sex workers, vulnerable women, children and LGBTI’s) to increase awareness and access to key clinical and social services.

MSP mobile clinical  outreach services in Fiji can be booked by emailing or

telephone  (679) 3630108 or  (679) 3548062

MSP Outreach teams provide professional and confidential clinical services to remote and isolated groups, working in close partnership with local government. MSP collaborates with  the Fiji Department of Community Police teams and Sexual Offenses Unit officers, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation,  to tailor information and service packages for women and children at risk.

MSP has a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Fiji Police Force to provide clinical support and service choices for those impacted by sexual assault and gender violence.

The MSP free clinic is open 5 days a week at 355 Waimanu Road Suva, Fiji.  MSP transforming lives. After hours appointments and special response units can be arranged by calling (679) 3630108 or  (679) 3548062 or for children call # 1325.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ el_class=”right_sidebar clean_links”][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-right”][/vc_column][/vc_row]